Wednesday, October 2, 2013

We are too dependent on computers (Articles & Summaries)

We are too dependent on computers

Article #1


In this article “Are we too dependent on computers? “, the author states that we are too dependent on computers. Most students rely on computers when doing homework because they are able to contact or message friends online. Computers are the main source when information is needed. There is also health and safety risks in relation to computer dependency, it can affect people’s society life when they are spending too much time on computers and can result in depression. When an individual spends too much time in front of the computer screen the radiation can have an effect on eyes and reduce the ability of vision.



Computers have become a necessary part of society because they help with education and important notifications like emails or messages from other people. However most of the society has become too reliant on computers, when information is needed goggle or Wikipedia are the main sources for information. Using social networking sites for communication or interaction between individuals have become a daily part of life; it can be an easier way to communicate with friends but not in real life. Computers are now built in modern science and technology like cars and shops which are used to supply or provide information about them.  

Article #3


Worldwide technology has upgraded and has become more advanced since civilization back then. Computers are not just used as a machine to do work on, it has become a part of personal life because it helps with online shopping, which allows you to purchase clothing or other essentials through the internet saving you time that’s been used to go to the store. However computers have had an effect on people's lives because technology can provide any information needed; people don't have to buy newspapers or magazines anymore because the internet can provide information about the latest media. This can decrease labour and result in job losses that can affect people’s ability to earn money.

Article #4


In this article "The Truth behind Computer Addiction" the author states that there is something like computer addiction, which occurs in our common day life. Computers are used almost used everywhere because they can be useful for information needed but can be ineffective when used to watch movies or play games. Almost anyone has access to a computer and almost anything is possible by using computers that's why it has become an addiction. This computer addiction can affect people's minds or imagination when it comes to reality and also decrease of social communication skills because the high usage of computers.

Article #5 (Against)


In this article “How has Computer Technology Affected our Lives? “, the author states that Computers has brought a dramatic change to our daily life. The closest technology the computer has come across was calculators and has evolved ever since. The ability to access internet from technology has changed daily life because it allows you to browse internet to find information relating to a specific topic and can also be used for social networking between friends or family.

1 comment:

  1. You have two entries of your blog Isaac, and I've posted a comment on the other entry.


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